Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Remember Your Baptism and Rejoice!," -Bishop Hutchinson

Sermon- Bishop W. Hutchinson – (a few things that stuck out for me from his sermon..)
We United Methodists are baptized by water, or sometimes with reluctance as teenage confirmation students. Years later we realize that there is something more, ...Yes, there is more..and that more is the connecting link to the very spirit of Jesus the Christ.
Have we moved yet to the my, my, my state of baptism to the Yes, Indeed! What is the state of baptism?
Told story of son who was going to revival and he told him no matter what, to not move when invited to come forward….fast forwarded about his first appointment and how he invited them to ‘come to the alter..maybe because their parents told them not to move!” Shared how his own congregation must have been told to stay in their seats..because only one came forward the first time, then five more the second time…Inviting us to come on down to the waters of baptism…”Water AND the Spirit, Water and the Spirit..Water and the Spirit..amen!

“Wade in the Water” (singing)

Remember Your Baptism and Rejoice! (Palm branches sprinkling water on entire Conference floor).

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