Friday, April 25, 2008

Opening Worship on Friday....

Opening Worship:
Worship began with song and music. The Chancel Choir of First United Methodist Church, Lawrence, KS was one of our featured choirs this morning! They will also be performing at lunch time under the direction of Sara Wentz!

Bishop Joao Machado – Began morning worship with “Good Morning” in several different native languages. He then began opening worship by speaking in his native language and having someone else translate it to English. I believe it is a good experience for those of us that speak English to experience what it is like for our delegates who must have the word translated. Though we are at a place where our neighbors are from many different countries around the world, I think we sometimes tend to get stuck in the rut of trying to Americanize everything! Here at least, the General Conference makes great attempts to help our brothers and sisters around the world. Having the sermon translated does take extra work and attention, but the beauty of the words! And as I noticed, passion and love for Christ’s word is universally shown in the faces of all..regardless of our speech or dialect.

Came to GC his first time, not as delegate, but as a member of a committee. He was a new pastor just out of school his first time. Told people he was coming to the Jerusalem of the Church! ;) Went back to his country after General Conference and asked his Bishop to translate. Taught this to his own country. “In 20 years of being a Bishop or on Council of Bishop, I see that this church is blessed with women and men, laity and clergy, with people with tremendous talents…so what it is missing? We need to DO what we SAY. Yes the world does need transformation! But to transform, we must BE transform! We cannot go out into the world and say that we are going to transform, if we are not willing to transform ourselves!”

Lawrence First United Methodist Church – featured Choir after sermon! “Let the Truth Abound” featured song. Absolutely beautiful!

After a “movin TX style” Lord song (those that had coffee were movin and shakin by the way!….the business meeting began!

Dancin TX style this morning....Steph & Jan

1 comment:

Mitch Todd said...

Lawrence First Choir? I KNOW them!